Emma :)

Emma :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Update! :)

Wow! It's been a super long time since I have updated Emma's blog. We are now back in the land of living skies. Emma turned 32 months old yesterday, so in 4 more months she is is going to be 3! I can't believe how quickly time has gone these last few years.
               I am currently working on potty training with Emma. Sometimes it's like we take 1 step forward and 2 steps back with the whole process. At times she seems like she is ready, but lately she doesn't seem interested at all. I made her  a Potty Time sticker chart. If she uses the potty she gets to put a sticker on her chart. I started this a week ago, and so far she has one sticker on there. We are hoping for more progress this week.
              Emma can talk very well. We can actually have conversations with her. When she comes home from daycare I always ask her about her day and she can tell me a lot about it. For example, I asked her what she did yesterday and she said, "Draw monster on chalkboard. Roar! Play outside and build sand castle. Castle broke, build new one." I can't believe how smart she is! :)
             Emma is my little artist. She loves to draw, colour, paint and sculpt with play dough. I couldn't believe it the first time one of the ladies at the day care showed me a picture that Emma had drawn a few months ago. It was a happy face. It had two eyes, a nose, and a smile! It was the type of drawing you wouldn't expect a two year old to do. She has also drawn penguins and attempted her name. She often draws rain drops and rivers.
           Other interests of Emma's include playing the keyboard and drums, and listening to her grandpa Ron play guitar over Skype.
            Emma has her days though when nothing makes her happy. She can be quite grumpy sometimes. It can get pretty frustrating for both of us. This morning she was happy though. She even let me put little braids in her hair, it's getting so long! :) She had her first hair cut a few months ago. We called it the "Dora Haircut" because it looked exactly like Dora's.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

On Her Feet!!

Over the Christmas break, Emma began attempting to walk. This usually resulted in her falling over, but she got back up everytime, and now she is walking and no one can stop her! She is getting so big. Emma turned one on the 27th of December. We had cake, and a nice supper, and she got lots of new toys. Her first Christmas was pretty awesome too. She got to see all of her relatives, including Great Nana and Grandpa, Great Uncle Bill, Great Grandma Joanne, and Great Aunt Kathy. Em had a blast!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Growing Up So Fast!

So much has happened since my last blog post... Emma is now 10 days away from being 11 months old! :) She now crawls, and pulls herself up on everything. Anytime now she will be able to walk!
Our baby girl is so cute! Sometimes she throws temper tantrums though- not too fun at all! And, Emma gets into everything and anything she can get to. We got her a Tickle-Me-Elmo a few weeks ago, and she was absolutely terrified of it! Now she is beginning to enjoy it a bit more. Emma has a favourite blanket that she never sleeps without. It's green and soft- Auntie Porsche gave it to her. Very often, she visits her Grandpa Ron, who she absolutely loves!
Emma has a cousin named Leeland. They usually get along quite well, unless one steals a toy from the other. They are so cute together. When riding in the van side by side (in the car seats) they will hold hands! :) And when one baby cries, the other will start too. Sometimes it gets pretty noisy!
On December the 16th, Emma's Gammy (my mommy) will be coming all the way from Saskatoon to visit us. We are very excited! Emma hasn't seen her Gammy since she was 3 months old.
Christmas is soon approaching, and I am very much looking forward to picking out Emma's Christmas presents. It will be so much fun!
That's it for now! Ttyl. :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

An Update On Emma!

It's been a while since my last post. I've been very busy being a Mom, and I love it! Emma is getting very big. At 2 months old, she is 11 lbs, 6 oz. I love seeing her smile.
Emma is letting us sleep for about 5 and a half hours now, every night. She loves her beautiful cradle that Grandpa Watson made for her. We are very proud to have Emma as part of our family :)

Emma says, "I miss my Gammy very much. Love you Gammy!" <3

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Emma's 1st Dr Appointment

Emma had her first check up on Friday, January 8th. :) She now weighs 8 lbs 6 and a half oz. She's a healthy girl! And, for the first time the other night, she let me sleep a whole 6 hours! I was very happy about that. I just love her soooo much! :) <3

Friday, January 1, 2010

I'm a Mommy!

Emma has finally arrived! It's been a tough but wonderful last 5 days since she was born. She is so beautiful! But adjusting to the life of a new mom has not been easy... However, I am so grateful to have my own mommy to help me through this time. I could not have done it without her. She was a great coach throughout labor, and she continues to be a wonderful support for Emma and I. :) Thanks Mommy!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Impatiently Waiting...

My due date is soon approaching, and I find myself getting very impatient! I just want to hold my newborn baby girl :) I have a feeling she may come out within the next couple of days... maybe even tonight? That would be awesome! I'm currently trying to naturally bring on labor... I know she'll come out when she's ready, but I've started walking a lot more just to help the process along :) The due date my doctor goes by is January 2nd, but I've also been told December 28th, so I'm not exactly sure which one is correct. But I'm very anxious and excited for her birth! A little scared of labor though, because it's all new to me, and I am not very good with pain! Lol, but I know that women have been giving birth since the beginning of time, so I should be able to too. :) Anyways, that's it for now... Hopefully in the next few days, I'll have some more exciting news to share :)

Auntie Kira and Emma :)

Auntie Kira and Emma :)
1 Month Old

Grandpa Ron and Emma :)

Grandpa Ron and Emma :)
1 Month Old

I Know I'm Cute :)

I Know I'm Cute :)
2 Months Old


2 Months Old

Mommy and Me :)

Mommy and Me :)
Emma at 3 weeks old.

Emma And Her New Mittens :)

Emma And Her New Mittens :)

Emma :)

Emma :)

Hungry Emma :)

Hungry Emma :)

Mommy and Emma :)

Mommy and Emma :)

Emma :)

Emma :)


On the way home...


Just After Emma Was Born :)

Awww :)

Awww  :)

Baby Feet :)

Baby Feet :)

Baby Emma :)

Baby Emma :)



Emma :)

Emma :)

Granny :)

Granny  :)

Mushum :)

Mushum :)

Great Auntie Kim :)

Great Auntie Kim :)

Uncle Nigel :)

Uncle Nigel :)

Baby Belly

Baby Belly
7 Months

Baby Belly :)

Baby Belly :)
7 and a half months :)

Baby Belly!

Baby Belly!
9 Months :)